Please join us through October 12 to view the powerful exhibit “Et in Acadia Ego” (Even in Acadia, there I am), featuring the significant work of French artist and part-time Maine resident Anne-François de Sérilly.

 These works, many painted from remembrances of Maine’s Biddeford Pool and Bass Harbor Lighthouse, reflect Sérilly’s love of nature and the human form. With geometrical simplicity and bold perspectives reminiscent of the 1930’s esthetic, Sérilly creates a brilliantly colored world where curving bodies mix with echoing shapes in often carefree and light-filled settings.

When not in Maine, Sérilly paints from his imagination at his studio in Versailles. He portrays scenes of Parisian culture with the sleek geometry and stylized forms of the Art Deco period — the theater, dance, haute couture, card games, the circus — and renders exquisite ancestral portraits on commission. Learn more about Portraits

Click here to view special moments captured at the Artist Opening Event held August 26.